


Blair narrowed her eyes。 Was Danielle calling her fat?

“No;” Blair snapped angrily。 Suddenly her eye caught sight of the same dress; hanging next to a corner dressing area。 “There it is!” Blair announced gleefully; charging toward the dress。

Danielle followed on her heels。 “Someone else is trying that on。 I’ll be sure to find you if she doesn’t take it。”

“But she’s obviously done with it;” Blair protested; already pulling the size…two dress off the hanger。 “Now; where can I try this on?” She used the same voice she had last semester when protesting the B she’d received on a paper in Persuasion in Politics。 Professor Balmer had changed it to an A…; simply because of the passionate way she’d argued her point。

Danielle wrung her hands nervously。 “Miss; I’d be happy to call in the dress; but—”

“Blair?” came a voice from behind the heavy black dressing room curtain。 Out stepped Serena van der Woodsen; clad in a flesh…colored scoop back Catherine Malandrino knit dress that made her look naked。 What the fuck? Blair narrowed her eyes; praying that in just a moment she’d wake up with a Veuve Clicquot hangover and the promise of room service just a phone call away。

No such luck。

“Oh my God!” Serena squealed when she saw Blair。 She’d been feeling lonely ever since she’d kicked Nate out on New Year’s Day。 She’d thought of calling Blair but had always stopped short。 She’d spent a lot of time at Doma; reading Anna Karenina and trying to make eye contact with the weirdos at her munal table。 In the book; Anna was forced into bad choice after bad choice; until she eventually threw herself under a train。 Serena wouldn’t do that; but there were only so many times she could pick herself up; dust herself off; and pretend everything was fine。

No matter how much she tried to pretend otherwise; the Nate thing had taken a lot out of her。 The love of her life was in love with someone else。

Sounds familiar。

“How are you? It’s good to see you!” Serena enveloped her old friend in a huge hug。 Now that Blair was here; maybe things would be different。 After all; it wasn’t Blair’s fault Nate was still in love with her。

Blair stood stiffly; her arms at her sides。 It was good for Serena to see her? Well; it was terrible for Blair to see Serena。 Serena was the reason she had just spent four days locked in a hotel room。 If Serena hadn’t been at the party; making out with Nate; Blair would still be with Pete。 Serena had fucked up Blair’s current relationship; her past relationship; and if she gave her the chance; she’d probably fuck up her future relationships too。

“Are you okay?” Serena stepped back and frowned。 Blair’s cheeks looked flushed。

“Well; I’ll just hold on to this; and when one of you ladies would like it; just find me。” Danielle grabbed the dress and quickly speed…walked away; as if at any moment one or both of them might tackle her。

“How was your New Year’s?” Blair asked icily。

“It was good;” Serena said lightly。 “I saw Nate…。” She trailed off uncertainly; noticing an ominous flicker in Blair’s blue eyes。 “Where’s your boyfriend?” Serena changed the subject。 Maybe giving Blair the chance to talk about her perfect relationship would warm her up a little bit。

Blair shook her head。 There was no way she was going to tell Serena what had happened between her and Pete。 She hugged her arms across her chest。 “You saw Nate?” she repeated sarcastically。

Serena’s blue eyes widened as she caught on to the meaning behind Blair’s tone。 Could Blair have heard what happened? Or worse; seen her and Nate together at the party?

But it wasn’t like Serena had done anything wrong。 After all; she and Nate were both single。 Blair was the one with the boyfriend。

“You’re not with Nate anymore;” Serena reminded her。 Even though he wishes you were。 Serena suddenly remembered fighting with Blair over the battered polar bear they’d gotten on their first…grade field trip to the Central Park Zoo。 Serena had snatched it from Blair in an uncharacteristically aggressive move; and Blair had broken into tears。 “It didn’t mean anything。 It was just a dumb New Year’s Eve hookup;” Serena said softly; searching her friend’s face。

Blair narrowed her icy blue eyes。 What the fuck was Serena’s problem; practically screaming that she and Nate had hooked up? Serena had probably followed her into Barneys; just to have the chance to gloat and humiliate her。 Blair knew it didn’t make sense; really; but she also knew that there was no room in her life anymore for Serena。 Maybe when they were younger; they could laugh and make up; but they were adults now。 And it was time for Serena to start taking responsibility for her actions。

“Maybe we can go get lunch?” Serena smiled encouragingly。 “At Fred’s?”

Blair glared at Serena。 Was she totally dense? Did she actually have to spell it out for her? “I don’t think so。” She shook her head。 “We’re not friends anymore。” She turned on her heel and angrily stomped off to the elevators。

Bitchfest at Barneys?

hey people!

everything old is new again

Maybe you dusted off your white Oscar de la Renta mencement dress and repurposed it for your a

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